Published on March 22, 2003 By treetog In WinCustomize News
Abracadabra will totally refresh your desktop invoirement, with the eyes on the spring, it has a pleasent color scheme for daily use.

Applications skinned:

Windowblinds 4 theme
HoverDesk theme
IconPack theme using icons up to 16x16 to 128x128, just 32bits XP format
ObjectDock theme
Cursor XP theme
Logon XP theme for 1024 and 1280 res
Winamp 2.81 skin
IcqPlus skin
Rainlendar skin
Sysmetrix skin

So, what are you waiting for?
Comments (Page 3)
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on Mar 23, 2003
nice, but why does the text on tabs - in the display properties windows for instance - truncated with "..." when not selected, and the text on the selected tab display over the tabs borders? that's never a good look. just looks sloppy. but everything else is top-notch, honestly.
on Mar 23, 2003
diafragma, you can use the windows media bonus pack to convert winamp skins to windows media skins.
on Mar 23, 2003
My first thought was what joetheblow said...HOLY CRAP!!!
Treetog has always been my favorite...The quality and imagination in his graphics work is second to none.

This is worth spending the money for.
on Mar 23, 2003
I like this suite. However, I'm still a little disappointed with Pixtudio with respect to the PixOS suite.

On the comments section of that suite's news entry, both Alexandrie and mormegil said they would be adding more items to it such as a WMP skin, icons and "DX stuff".

Any chance of that happening, guys?
on Mar 23, 2003
Tryzub, as far as I know both of them , Alexandrie and mormegil, are working on what they said, in Pixtudio, we do what we promiss. GO! GO!
on Mar 23, 2003
Hell ya! I love this new suite, and it went straight on my desktop! Now I'd love an updated version of PixOs for my Laptop!!! Good news that they are still working on it, but how much longer???
on Mar 23, 2003
Finally got the activation key, top notch work as always ...
on Mar 23, 2003
Thanks Renato. A truly beautiful suite. Top notch in all departments. In fact, the SysMetrix skin is one of the finest designs I have seen, I have no idea how you pre-planned that skin!
on Mar 23, 2003
Thanks Chuckyboy, I just converted it to WMP and it is just unbelievable... made my day.
on Mar 23, 2003
I wish I had a credit card.
on Mar 23, 2003
I used the wmp convertor, and the skins don't show up in it, is this good for wmp 9? That is what I use, maybe I'm doing something wrong.
on Mar 24, 2003
It is exactly these sorts of suites that show the true capabilities of skinning in general [and Pixtudio in particular].

I may not use all of the proggies skinned and included, but I value them a 'set' to be admired in detail...
on Mar 24, 2003
hi Renato,

i do not like the idea of pay suites, but i enjoy looking at your gifted works to get some inspiration and to wonder how you do these amazing things.

i noted on the screenshot that the Rainlendar skin has jaggies. maybe that´s on purpose (Win9x support), but i wanted to let you know that the latest versions of Rainlendar support alpha-transparent PNGs for skinning. for alpha-transparency that also works on Win9x it is possible to use two BMP images, one for the actual image and one for the alpha channel (similar to the early DesktopX).
on Mar 24, 2003
sthrncin, yeah, it is. i use wmp9 as well and the converter works fine.
on Mar 24, 2003
Thanks for taking the time to update us on the PixOS thing, treetog. Hopefully we don't have to wait too much longer - it's been over six weeks. :/
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