I have being around Wincustumize for quite a few, I would say since day one and during this time, I can say that I made some hundreds of skins, icons, cursors, wallpapers, etc... and I can say for sure, nothing is more time consuming then Icon Packager themes, those are the most dedication demand files that I ever post here...
With that said, I uploaded around one week ago a brand new free theme and was hoping to see it featured, after all, this is the most exciting part of making a new theme, we expect to see our work in the front page.
Well, of course, that we always think that we did a great job and deserve to be featured, bla, bla, bla, but not always moderators and the users agree with us, so, many times what we want, just doesn't happen for one reason or another. We always learn to leave with that. =D
Errr....today I went to check, just for my curiosity, when the last Icon Packager was featured and aww!!! November 11, 2009....OVER ONE YEAR AGO!!!
I am seeing the number of IconPackager themes getting small every year, because they are a never ending job, so why not support the few ones that dedicate many late hours to make them?
I saw many great looking Icon Packagers done in the last year, done by people that worked hard to have their themes released for free.
My question is, Why Icon Packagers are not being featured anymore? Aren't they good enough to be featured?