Published on August 21, 2003 By treetog In WinCustomize Talk

I am posting this because Johanne is having a very wierd problem today, her Norton was disabled by his own and now she is find some hard time on making it active again.

Did some of you is having this problem too? IF so, suggestions on how to do it, will be welcome.

btw, over 5000 viruses emails just today, so far. >

on Aug 21, 2003 of the recent viruses disables sounds like Johanne's got it.

I'm sure there would be some information about it on the Norton site...

on Aug 21, 2003
Try an online virus scan and see if you have a virus stopping your antivirus from running.
on Aug 21, 2003
on Aug 21, 2003
Try here:
on Aug 21, 2003
For a good online virus scanner, try this...

Housecall from TrendMicro (PC-cillin)
on Aug 21, 2003
TrendMicro is good for online scanning so is Nortons site.

Also there are various nasties which can turn virus software off at times, updates need to be applied constantly. Norton has some online help at the site to fix this and get it restored and also on setting it up so this is less of an issue it not one at all in the future for you.

She can delete one file that is located in two places (which is part of the info on the site about fixing this issue) and then reinstall so it is restored and then do the updates and read on the site about how to crub it from happening again. A full system scan is cancelled by most because of the time involved, but it should be done and then done once a month at least with constant scanning of everything that opens on the system. The slow down this causing on loading is offset by the safety it provides.

Good luck with it and if you need any help you know peeps here are more than willing
on Aug 21, 2003
Get Norton SystemWorks 2003

So far so good over here.
on Aug 21, 2003
NIS 2003 Pro would be a better choice for Internet and Virus protection combined, NSW 2003 is great for overall system insurance for protecting loss of data and Virus protection combine

Oh and a solid Spam filtering program that will automatically delete anything not coming from anyone in your addy book. Also Ad-Aware Pro to keep things from the web and anything else from making modifications to your registry with active scanning. Startup Orginizer is also a good program to run resident because it allows you to control apps upon boot and also double check the registry for additions actively. SystemInfo2003 works great for controlling all loaded processes, releasing memory, killing process threads(active programs and such) and clearing the cache's, clipboard and so forth...

I remember a year or so back I mentioned all of the utilities I make use of and someone commented about it being over kill, but then again I have not had a virus, worm or trojan in years. Excluding my laptop which I loaned to my son Chris for a couple of days which he returned to me with a number of them on it. He also had run that freaking dll crack on msstyles and had the whole damn thing hosed up so I wiped the drive and burned the ghost back on it. I also created a basic user account for anyone who happens to have it loaned to them in the future, which will not include Chris for a while.

Kids can't live with em and you can kill em, whats a parent to do?

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on Aug 21, 2003
Kids can't live with em and you can kill em, whats a parent to do?

I have never been a Parent and hopefully I never will. Not ready yet although I am 28.

I have Windows ME on my computer and Norton Systemworks 2001 (completely updated of course) and i use Sygate firewall and adaware 6.

never had a problem yet, although those worms keep getting in my wife's email! I told here to delete em!
on Aug 22, 2003
I am always afraid of those Ad/spy ware programs.

Why are they free?

The regisry checker sounds like a good idea making sure nothing changes (or you know what is) the registry

I'll check out SystemInfo2003.

Hey doesn't Stardock have something that controls the start up processes (like DX and such) so when the computer comes on that is aready on?

All these tips. I'll be a great network admin and security when I grow up.

I wonder if Alex stopped all the emails by now? I has the Fizzer virus and dang it was all over my system!
on Aug 22, 2003

my norton is back to normal, but some strange things happend, even with the free scanning thing on mcaffee and norton and Trend Micro, none of them has detected any virus.

the preview of images in windows xp the exe does not exist anymore, today I could not click stop scanning on my norton and some files did not copy that well when I wanted to backup something.

on Aug 22, 2003

It almost sounds like the Bugbear virus.
Read about it at

Strange though that Norton Online virus scanner didn't detect it. But try the following anyways:

1. Disable System Restore

2. Update your anti-virus with the latest virus definitions. Since the virus closes the antivirus programs right away, you'll have to execute the liveupdate directly (either from the start menu, or browsing to your antivirus folder and double-clicking on the live update application)

3. Restart your computer in Safe mode (press F8 on your keyboard after the BIOS information and select SAFE MODE from the list)

4. Disconnect yourself from the Internet. The best is to just pull the cable off.

5. Scan your system with your antivirus program and repair/delete infected files.

You can read more detailed information on the page above.

Good luck.

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